Sunday, October 21, 2012

Away We Go

    "It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of his presence." 
-C.S. Lewis

     Tonight, after an adventurous day to Apple Hill Orchards, Megan, Leana and I watched the movie Away We Go which is a film about an expecting couple who are looking to relocate. Bert and Verona travel to various cities to visit different friends and family members, and to find the place to build their family. Though it is a comedy, Away We Go really shows the crap, the pain and grief that each person has in his or her life. After the movie, I was on Facebook, and for perhaps the first time I realized how much pain is posted on the endless feed of statuses and profile activity. I think my eyes were actually opened, connecting my heart to the silent knowledge I have in my head: people are broken.

   And my heart breaks for this broken world. I think about my kids - each one of those precious smiling faces - and I think about the crap they will have to deal with in the coming years. I think about the baggage they are already carrying that has been shoved on them by bullies, parents, family members, loss, death, illness, etc. There is nothing I can do to protect them from the negative, destructive messages poured out onto their hearts by other people. I think about all the ways I have failed to love them and show Christ's love to them. Over the past couple of weeks, my job has just been my job. The honeymoon stage of missionary life has diminished into routine. Every-day life. Where is the passion? Where is the love? Where is the desire to do none else but serve? Where is my heart? I wonder how many minutes, how many days, I have wasted already.

     I praise the Lord for His total, unfailing grace. Though I continuously get distracted and care about other things more than I do about getting to know Him (just like my kinders!), He never stops pursuing, never gets frustrated or impatient, never stops loving. How can I do anything else with my day than to pass that love and grace on to those who are in need of it?

     So I am praying for the strength to be disciplined in all areas of my life, especially in the time I spend with Abba. That I will seek after nothing but a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. That every moment of my life will be intentional in meeting people where they are at, and loving them for who they are, and not who they could be. I pray that I will have the strength and patience to love each one of my kids with the love of my Lord Jesus. That they will know with all of their hearts that they are dearly loved and cherished, not only by me, bu by their Maker, the God of the universe, their Father. I pray that though they are young, they know in their heads and hearts that Abba is with them and will never leave them. I pray for their protection. I pray for their souls.

Some of my babies 

Sweet boys

The team and Pastor Dan (aka PD)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Believe. Trust.

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me."
-John 14:1

     As the weeks here in the enamoring Tahoe continue to tumble faster and faster, smooshing days, minutes, and hours into a heavy snowball of routine, change continues to erupt the comfort of everyday life. And with the rapid motion of time drizzled on top of so many changes, comes uncertainty of the future. Three weeks ago, the new pastor (Scott) and his wife (Jenn) arrived in Tahoe. Now only three weeks remain until Pastor Dan and Donna's last Sunday here. The transition of changing pastors seems to be going really smoothly. Scott and Jenn fit right into the quirky uniqueness of the community, and Pastor Dan is starting to act more and more "retired." Sometimes, though, I catch a glimpse of uncertainty and sadness hidden in the pair of eyes behind Dan's thick glasses. Uncertainty...

     So what do we do with change, and transition, and the future unknown? Trust. Just days before His death, Jesus told His disciples, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me." In Him we find safety, reassurance, confidence, and peace in the face Life's of chaotic changes.

     As I begin to think about what I am going to do net year, what kind of job I'm going to get, where I'm going to be, how I'm going to pay off student loans, etc., I am reminded and encouraged to never fret or let my mind be overtaken with anxiety. Abba has it all under control. Our lives have been written out before us by One whose plans give us a hope and future. If we but choose to rest in God's ultimate and perfect timing, we will find the capability to live fully and vibrantly in each present moment. "Wherever you are, be all there."
Embrace change. Believe in Jesus. Smile at the future.

Take care!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Here are two articles about true beauty and what that looks like through the eyes of God. So very encouraging and convicting!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Because He First Loved

    "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love on another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
-John 13:34-35

     Yesterday, during a wonderful conversation with a sweet, new friend, I was forced to think about all the things that God has been teaching me over the weeks that I have been here. And only now am I realizing the magnitude of the work He is doing in me. I have realized, first, that simply because I am in a new place, does not mean that I am a different person. Unfortunately, I have the same struggles here that I have when I am at home or anywhere else. Living with seven other women has given Satan a huge platform to launch missiles of deceit into my mind and heart. This week, in the midst of the enemies attacks and the sin of my own vain heart, I stumbled (more like God guided me) upon Isaiah 58, which talks about what true fasting looks like, fasting that is glorifying to God. The prophet writes: 

"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke,to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. then shall you you call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will say 'Here I am'... if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, the shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."
(Isaiah 58:6-11)

     After reading this, my mind was immediately blown, and my eyes opened to the truth that when I take my eyes off of myself and this constant struggle against my self-esteem, and if I focus my thoughts and energy on serving, loving, and pouring myself out on those around me, only there will I find freedom, healing, and restoration in the Lord. And so I started trying to love more, serve more, and be selfless. But, no surprise, I failed, constantly and miserably. Then it hit me: I cannot love or serve in and of my own strength and will. I am not a loving person. In fact, I am quite selfish and bitchy. All the love I hold in my heart is that which Christ has poured into me, because He first loved me. I am nothing. So I must set my gaze on Him and rest in His grace, and as a result, His love will flow from me. And so I pray that He will humble me and give me the strength love selflessly and unconditionally those who are hard to love, just as He does. I pray that I will constantly rest in His grace and choose joy and peace. I pray that I will disappear; that my babies will see Him in me and know that they are never alone; that the women I work with will be encouraged and fall more love with Christ. I pray that He will glorify Himself in us as a team, in me as His daughter, whatever that looks like. 

     So ultimately, what is it that I am learning? I am learning that I am fully and completely inadequate, incompetent, and ill-equipped to be here. But. Jesus is adequate, competent, and fully-equipped. It is all about Him. Everything. Where I fall short, He exceeds and makes Himself look glorious. What a freeing thought! 

     I look forward to this week and all that Abba has to teach me. I look forward to more hours spent with my kids. I look forward to seeing them open up, and become more and more excited about learning about Jesus. Though they are young, I can see God working in their little hearts. What great days are to come!

Peace out!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Times a changin'

     Transition. Change. Say good-bye to comfort, safety, and security. Life has a funny way of keeping us constantly on our toes by shifting things every so often. As soon as I get used to one situation, place, group of people, the tides of change come around once again and I am thrown into a spiral of fear, excitement, anxiety, anticipation, along with a whole slew of other conflicting emotions. As much as we say we love change, we are creatures of habit. We dread change. Even still, it ambushes us on the daily and we act as though we have never encountered it before. As of late, I have been made fully aware of the huge changes and transitions that are happening all around me. My pastor and his family at home just moved to Seattle. I moved to Tahoe. The pastor at the church I am serving here in Tahoe is retiring and the new pastor arrives next month. Each of the women I work with are recent college graduates and are dealing with this time of limbo before they get started on grad school, or whatever it is they might have next. Even this city is in a constant state of transition from one tourist season to the next.

     Transition. Change. What do we do with it? But then again, where would we be without it? If God left us alone in our every-day state of comfortable complacency, we would never grow into better people, better Christians. If Christ had stayed in Heaven, we never would have known the life and magnificent joy of being in communion with Him. So as much as it sucks and kicks our butt, thank You, Abba, for change! Thank you for breaking us apart and forcing us to rely on You in our discomfort! And thank You for the opportunity You give us each day to grow and serve in the transitions we face!

     I am blown away by the sovereignty of my Lord. As I was looking into internships to do for the missions minor, Tahoe City was not even on my radar. I was dead-set on going to Haiti and speaking French and playing with little Haitian children. Well. The only thing I got right was the children part of that plan! Here I am, after months of watching God's will unfold. How ordained this time is! I am so blessed to serve with the other missionaries and staffers here. Each of us were brought here specifically by God. I am stoked to see what He has in store for the up-coming four months! It is hard to believe I left Atlanta nearly two weeks ago. Time has definitely flown by! Tomorrow we have two more days of full-day programs for grades K-6th, then school starts Wednesday, and we start the after-school programs. I have been assigned the Kindergarten class, and have been able to work with them this past week. I am rapidly falling in love with those sweet, mischievous, naughty, adorable babies. I know I am not supposed to have "favorites," but I definitely do. Though I will treat and love each the same, there are a couple who have nabbed my heart more than the others. How I hope and pray the love of Jesus will pour out of me into their little hearts!

     Until next time!


Monday, August 20, 2012

A Brand New Beginning

   Once again I find myself tipping the brink of a grand adventure. Today is day #5 in the extraordinary Tahoe City, California. I am here for the next four and a half months working at Tahoe City First Baptist Church. Here is the website for the church that has more specifically what I'm doing out here:

   In short, I will be teaching kindergartners in before and after school programs, and investing in the church and community. I am here with seven other college-age girls, most from Georgia and Alabama, with the exception of one from Texas, and one from Peru. Already I have been challenged, encouraged, and blessed in huge ways through each of them. Going into this semester, I earnestly pray that God would humble me and use me as a blessing to the girls I work with, and the kids I teach. I pray that I will be transparent, reflecting only the love and grace of my Lord and Savior. I am here to serve, and by God's grace, serve I shall with my whole heart and energy. 

   I know I should write more, but that just simply will not happen right now. I am exhausted. My kids come tomorrow! I am so excited, yet so incredibly nervous at the same time. My hope is that  I will catch on to the way things work around here soon and without too many screw-ups. I'm sorry this entry is so short and vague! I will try and do better next time. Until then!

God Bless!


Monday, May 28, 2012

Home Again...

    So I realized I wrote this post and never posted it! So here it is, six months later. Enjoy!

   As of today, I have been home for an entire week. I can hardly believe it, too. I was thrown directly into the whirlwind that is the life of my family, and I've hardly had the chance to catch my breath. I don't think it has completely hit me that I am in America, and I won't be returning to Aix, or seeing my friends at the Institute anytime soon. Sometimes, though, there is a small ache in my heart. This whole week, I have been stuck in a rut, I guess. I'm not depressed by any means, but I'm not my best either. I just feel weird. I have been struggling to get in the Word and spend time with my Love, and I think that has a lot to do with it, too. I miss my Lord. All I want for Christmas is His presence in my heart and life. I know that He is always with me, I do! But I long so much to fellowship with Him. my soul longs for that intimate, peaceful, healing fellowship.

   The last month of my study abroad experience since the last time I wrote, flew by faster than any month I have ever lived. I had to say good-bye to my sweet friends, Shayla and Kate, then get ready for finals. Everyday I found myself battling the urge to hide in my room out of fear of having to part with that beautiful place and the wonderful people who had befriended me over the course of the semester. I began turning into a hermit, completely anti-social. Finally, that last week, I forced myself out, and found that I couldn't get enough of being with everyone. I had just gotten used to being in France, in Aix, and initiating conversations in French. I had just passed over the homesick hump at three months, and was ready for another three. Sometimes I really hate change. It is needed, I know, and at times my heart screams for it, but I wasn't ready for it yet.

   The last week in Aix, I spent a lot of time with my host family. Well, as much as I could. Marion worked late every night, so didn't eat dinner with us. Then Friday night, we all ate together. I gave them each a small Christmas gift, and after dinner, sat and talked with Marion for a long while. I was sad to go. What really set me off, was when I got back to the house after the Marchutz exhibition. I was on the verge of tears all evening as my sweet friend, Lauren (who I never thought of as a touchy-feely person), wouldn't stop hugging me. And each time I hugged her, I never wanted to let go. When I left Marchutz got back to the house, no one, again I say no one was there. Really??? That's when I broke down. Then I was a patched up mess when my host family finally got home.

   I woke up the next morning, had my last breakfast with my host family, and drove to the airport. The rest is history! Once I reached the airport, I got into travel mode so I didn't have to face the sadness of leaving my dear France. That didn't hit me until about now as I write this post. However, I am excited for the coming weeks and semester back at school. I know God is going to do great things in me. I can't wait to see what happens.

   Peace and love!
