Sunday, October 7, 2012

Believe. Trust.

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me."
-John 14:1

     As the weeks here in the enamoring Tahoe continue to tumble faster and faster, smooshing days, minutes, and hours into a heavy snowball of routine, change continues to erupt the comfort of everyday life. And with the rapid motion of time drizzled on top of so many changes, comes uncertainty of the future. Three weeks ago, the new pastor (Scott) and his wife (Jenn) arrived in Tahoe. Now only three weeks remain until Pastor Dan and Donna's last Sunday here. The transition of changing pastors seems to be going really smoothly. Scott and Jenn fit right into the quirky uniqueness of the community, and Pastor Dan is starting to act more and more "retired." Sometimes, though, I catch a glimpse of uncertainty and sadness hidden in the pair of eyes behind Dan's thick glasses. Uncertainty...

     So what do we do with change, and transition, and the future unknown? Trust. Just days before His death, Jesus told His disciples, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me." In Him we find safety, reassurance, confidence, and peace in the face Life's of chaotic changes.

     As I begin to think about what I am going to do net year, what kind of job I'm going to get, where I'm going to be, how I'm going to pay off student loans, etc., I am reminded and encouraged to never fret or let my mind be overtaken with anxiety. Abba has it all under control. Our lives have been written out before us by One whose plans give us a hope and future. If we but choose to rest in God's ultimate and perfect timing, we will find the capability to live fully and vibrantly in each present moment. "Wherever you are, be all there."
Embrace change. Believe in Jesus. Smile at the future.

Take care!


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